Free products?
a RevYou away!

Great deals with up to 100% money back!
Enabled by your feedback.
Get started right now!

Free products?
a RevYou away!

Great deals with up to 100% money back!
Enabled by your feedback.
Get started right now!

How it works

Your Feedback, Your Cashback
In order to receive the cashback, you only have to write a review of the tested product. Then we will transfer your money from RevYou to your account automatically and without any effort. Simple & safe!
Buy on Amazon
You don't buy the products on RevYou, but on Amazon. All you need is an Amazon account and a desire to test and evaluate products.
Hidden costs?
No! Participating in RevYou is completely free. You have to buy the item through Amazon, so you have to make an advance payment, but you get the promised cashback back immediately after you have submitted your rating.
Become a RevYou-er!
Become a part of RevYou & secure great deals. Retailers want honest and uninfluenced reviews of their products. To get those, they provide us with their products at a discounted price or even at no cost. See for yourself!

How it works

Your Feedback, Your Cashback
In order to receive the cashback, you only have to write a review of the tested product. Then we will transfer your money from RevYou to your account automatically and without any effort. Simple & safe!
Hidden costs?
No! Participating in RevYou is completely free. You have to buy the item through Amazon, so you have to make an advance payment, but you get the promised cashback back immediately after you have submitted your rating.
Buy on Amazon
You don't buy the products on RevYou, but on Amazon. All you need is an Amazon account and a desire to test and evaluate products.
Become a RevYou-er!
Become a part of RevYou & secure great deals. Retailers want honest and uninfluenced reviews of their products. To get those, they provide us with their products at a discounted price or even at no cost. See for yourself!

Great Deals

If you secure a deal, you can buy the product directly on Amazon, rate it and receive your cashback after the rating has been submitted. We guide you through every step so that you always know exactly what to do next.

Great Deals

If you secure a deal, you can buy the product directly on Amazon, rate it and receive your cashback after the rating has been submitted. We guide you through every step so that you always know exactly what to do next.

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